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Commission Receives Updates on Newtown HVAC Projects

Jul 06, 2023

NEWTOWN — The Public Building and Site Commission, meeting Tuesday, May 23, learned that the contracts for the HVAC work at C.H. Booth Library are with the attorneys.

Once the paperwork is complete, the project can move to town boards for approval and the design phase can begin.

The commission estimated that bidding for the work can begin by January 1 if design is complete by the end of summer.

The existing system can be run while work takes place on the new system.

Regarding the HVAC work at Hawley Elementary School, the commission received an update on the schedule.

The switch gear has been delayed by one month and is expected to ship on June 28.

The commission asked if this date has been confirmed, learning that the manufacturer will reach out around June 20 to reaffirm the date as the equipment enters the United States in South Carolina for assembly and testing.

Given this delay, it should be possible to complete the work before school begins, with scheduling cooperation from Eversource.

Eversource has confirmed it have the equipment needed from its end, including a transformer, and only need the switchgear to fully test the assembled system.

The town will draft a letter to the manufacturer explaining how this delay might jeopardize the reopening of the school.

The commissioners and construction manager agreed that such a message would be helpful, discussing a possible worst-case scenario where the school could open and the ducted systems could be started and tested after school starts.

The certificate of occupancy could be approved contingent on final testing. All egress and emergency lighting and alarms will be operational.

First Selectman Dan Rosenthal said that the commission could be convened in a special meeting if there was new information that required action prior to the next scheduled Public Building and Site Commission meeting.

Before the meeting adjourned, the commission noted that a new project at the Newtown Middle School would be addressed in upcoming meetings.

Mr. Rosenthal said voters had approved an initial design.

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