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Making an Arduino Coil Winding Machine

Mar 22, 2023

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Have you ever wanted to make your own toroid coil winding machine? Well, this video shows you how provided you have the right tools and expertise.

First, you will need the following items: an Arduino NANO, an A4988 stepper driver, a rotary encoder, a 16x2 I2C LCD display, a name 17 stepper motor, a motor, a timing belt, an L293D IC, a 20x20 alu profile, hardware and nut bolts and a 12mm plywood sheet.

The machine automatically winds the turns and also rotates the toroid core. For user input and interaction the YouTuber used a rotary encoder and 16×2 LCD display.

As such, users can enter data such as the diameter of the toroid core, the number of turns and how much area of a toroid core needs wind. The YouTuber began by making a spool ring from 12mm thick plywood. The spool had an OD of 145mm, an ID of 122mm and a grove of 43mm length 5mm deep.

The spool further had one cut on its perimeter and a lock used to lock the open part. Opening that part allows users to place toroid coil inside the ring. What did the YouTuber do next to build his machine? You have to watch the video to find out.

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